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About RCAS



The Research Center Administrators Society is a national non-profit organization whose membership is comprised of agricultural research station managers, directors, university, college and USDA administrators.



RCAS Mission

The society mission is to advance the acquisition and dissemination of scientific knowledge concerning the nature, use, improvement, and interrelationships of research center administration scientific research, and new technology.


Winter Meeting 2025

Plan to attend the Winter meeting in Irving, Texas with SAAS, February 2-4, 2025.

RCAS Winter 2025 information pdf.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Texas!

Contact Vaughn Skinner at for more information.

Connect with us on Facebook




What our members say about RCAS:

“No man is an island.  That is a universal truth and especially true for people involved in agriculture and agricultural research.  The RCAS is a critical link for our Research Station Superintendents in North Carolina to be connected to others who face the same challenges and opportunities every day.  Our members frequently rely on Center Administrators in other states for advice, ideas, and comradery.  Before embarking on initiatives such as new technology, we know that there is someone within the society that has had some experience and we want to draw on that experience.  Members are open and honest and it truly is a society.  The Annual Meeting and the Summer Meeting are both great opportunities to form bonds and learn from others.  You always learn by talking with others and seeing similar operations in other states.  The RCAS is an organization in which we find great value and look to support its growth”.

Sandy Stewart
Research Stations Division Director
NCDA and NC State University

“Participation in RCAS provides a network where station managers can exchange ideas and learn from others with similar responsibilities.  Knowing that someone else is out there and might be able to help answer a question or has lived through a specific situation and is willing to share their knowledge is a valued asset.  The research location site visits and exposure to related agricultural businesses expands our understanding of how research and outreach supports the industry as a whole”. 

Steve Hawkins
Director Purdue Ag Centers







        Past and Future Meetings

     Fall 2023 - Tennessee

     Winter 2024 - Georgia

     Fall 2024 - Nebraska

     Winter 2025 - Texas

     Fall 2025 - New Jersey




Affiliated Organizations


SAAS Title






Contact Us:

For general information contact Vaughn Skinner, RCAS Communications Officer.

(479) 841-3362